One Consistent Enterprise Experience
Get Started with Zoom
Protect your Zoom meeting
Zoom provides an article covering securing your Zoom meetings .
When disseminating Zoom meeting details, we strongly recommend that you do not publicly post the meeting details. Rather email or text the Meeting ID only to those who should be participating the in meeting.
Avoid hosting large meetings or public events using your Personal Meeting ID (PMI) for your meeting ID. Your PMI is basically one continuous meeting and you don't want trolls invading your personal virtual space. Instead, Information Technology Services suggests using random meeting IDs for your large meetings.
If you are scheduling a meeting where sensitive information will be discussed, we recommend leaving Enable Join Before Host turned OFF.
Participants can still connect before the host. They will be in the queue and automatically join when the host joins the meeting.
The join before host option can be convenient for allowing others to continue with a meeting if you are not available to start the meeting, but with this option enabled, the first person who joins the meeting will automatically be made the host and will have full control over the meeting.
Your CSUB Zoom administrator has set this option to 'Off' by default. If you have this feature set to 'On', consider turning it back off if your meeting does not need this feature enabled.
In larger and public meetings, attendees can be disruptive with unwanted speech or sounds. Participants can be muted until the host gives them permission to speak.
- When you sign in to your meeting, open the Participants pane by selecting Manage participants from the tool bar.
- Select Mute All at the bottom of the Participants pane.
- When prompted, make sure to uncheck Allow Participants to Unmute Themselves before clicking Yes. Permission will be required every time a participant wishes to unmute their microphone.
- To allow a participant to unmute, click the Unmute button next to their name in the Participants pane. The participant can now unmute their microphone.
- To mute an unmuted participant, click the Mute button next to their name in the Participants pane.
Requireing Only Authenticated Users Can Join ensures that only attendees can join the meeting using an allowed email address with thier Zoom account.
The default authentication option email only will only permit admittance if the attendee is using a Zoom account registered to an CSUB email account.

If you wish to add an exception to your meeting you can click the Edit button and add additional domains to your meeting seperateing them by a comma and a wild card. For example, can be added by placing ",* " witout the quotes after the previous domain.
New meetings
New meetings scheduled with passcodes will operate much in the same way as previous meetings without a passcode. Zoom links for meetings with a passcode will have the passcode embedded in the link.
Passcodes need to be entered when attendees join:
- Without Authentication
- By Phone
- By Meeting ID
Edit and Updating Existing MeetingsIt is important to note that Any meetings edited and updated to include a passcode will create a new link for your Zoom meeting. This may require you to distribute a new link or provide the passcode to your attendees.
For example, if the existing Zoom link is and you edit this meeting to add a passcode to it. A new modified link will then be generated in your meeting schedule. becomes
The old link will still work but will require those joining to enter the new passcode.
- If you distributed a link copied from Zoom that was updated to include a passcode, you will need to provide a new link or the passcode to your participants
- If your Zoom link for BlackBoard or Canvas was created using the integrated tool, your link within Blackboard or Canvas will automatically be updated. It is still recommended to provide the passcode to attendees in the event they are prompted to enter one.
Using the Waiting Room
When joining Attendees will enter a staging area until they are admitted to the meeting. By default, the Host or Co-host can admit those in the waiting room to the meeting. Attendees can be permitted to allow others to join by setting a global option which can be found below.
If you would like to mitigate the use of the waiting room and not have passcode enabled, you can set special rules to allow attendees to bypass the waiting room. Please be advised that this is a global setting and will apply to all meetings you host.
Waiting Room Bypass
You can configure your universal waiting room options to alleviate how cumbersome it is to manage participants’ entry into your Zoom sessions.
Waiting Room Bypass is a global setting that will apply to all meetings you schedule on your account
- Login to and click on “Sign In”
- Click on Settings from the left menu
- At the top you will see Waiting Room Options, click on Edit Options. There are two bypass options to select from
- Users not in your account: This setting will allow attendees who have signed Zoom by Single Sign On (SSO) at least once to bypass the waiting room.
- Users who are not in your account and not part of the allowed domains: All attendees who have signed into Zoom at least once using SSO or who’s Zoom account email matches the permitted email domain you specify.
Example: Adding * will allow all SSO and CSUB email address who have not used SSOto bypass the waiting room.
Once all the participants have joined the meeting, the host can lock the meeting, thus blocking anyone else from joining the meeting.
- Select Manage Participants at the bottom of the Zoom window
- At the bottom of the Participants panel, select More
- From the list that appears, select Lock Meeting
If you have already begun a session and find an unwanted attendee has joined:
- If the Participants panel is not visible, select Manage Participants at the bottom of the Zoom window
- Next to the person you want to remove, select More
- From the list that appears, select Remove
Getting Started - Zoom Client Overview
Watch Zoom's Meeting Controls Video
Current Client Patch Notes: Windows | MacOS | Linux | iOS | Android
Zoom Server Status- Get Started with Zoom
- If you are already a member of CSU Bakersfield, there is no need to sign up. You must, however, sign in though CSUB Single Sign-On (SSO) at least once to appear in the directory.
- Click 'Sign In' in the upper right corner. You will then be directed to a login page.
- Log in with your CSUB NetID and password
- Launching From the Zoom Client - Install the Zoom Client
- If you already have the client installed, you can skip this step. University provided computers should already have the Zoom application installed.
- Open a web browser and visit the Zoom Download Center
- Click the Download button for 'Zoom Client Meetings'
- Note: For Android or iOS Mobile, scroll down and click the link for either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store
- Sign in to the Zoom Client
- Launch the Zoom Client
- Select Sign In
- Sign in with Single Sign-On
- Select
Sign in with SSO
. Do not use the email or password section. - If prompted for the Company Email, enter your CSUB email address into the field and continue. If prompted for the Company Domain, enter csub into the field and continue.
- Enter your NetID and Password when prompted from Duo 2Step authentication.
- Select
- Schedule a Zoom Meeting
- Web Browser: Sign in and Select
from the left navigation bar and Click theSchedule a Meeting
button near the top of the page - Client: Select the blue 'Schedule' button
- All: Provide the basic meeting information, topic, date, time, and length.
The topic description is optional
- If this is a recurring meeting, check the box for additional options. Be sure to set an 'end date,' which is the last date that the meeting will occur.
- For Audio, allow for 'VoIP (webcam microphone)' and 'Telephony' (allows the telephone to be the microphone). The best practice is to allow for 'Both.'
- Security: It is best practiceto enable the
andWaiting Room
for all meetings.Require Authentication to Join
will limit access to your meeting to only those with a registerd Zoom account from the selected email provider. - Meeting Options (Some options may not be available when scheduling from the client):
- Allow Participants to join anytime – allows entry to the session before the host. The host will receive an email if someone joins the meeting, and no host or alternative host is present
- Q&A – Allows use of the Q&A feature to organize and answer questions.
- Mute participants upon entry – Recommended, Turns off microphones when joining the session.
- Breakout Room pre-assign – Allows procreating breakout room names and groups if attendee emails are already known. (limited to 200 people and 50 rooms).
- Automatically Record the meeting – Starts meeting recording when the meeting is launched.
- Approve of Block entry to users from specific regions/countries – Specify attendee origin.
- Alternative Hosts – Allows someone in your organization to start the meeting on your behalf and serve as a co-host in session
- Click Save
- Web Browser: Sign in and Select
- Invite People to a Scheduled Meeting
- Zoom Supports three email services: Google, Outlook, and Yahoo. On the 'My Meeting' page, click the desired calendar format to generate an email that can be sent to participants.
- Using Outlook as an example, select 'Invite Attendees' from the ribbon. Add the email address to all guests in the 'To:' field. Click 'Send' to invite attendees.
- Optionally, the invitation information can be copied to send via an alternative service or method. On the right side of the 'Invite Attendees' area, click 'Copy the Invitation.' A box will appear with the meeting information. Click the blue 'Copy Meeting Invitation' button to copy the text information. Then, paste the text into an email or IM.
- Optionally, the invitation information can be copied to send via an alternative service or method. On the right side of the 'Invite Attendees' area, click 'Copy the Invitation.' A box will appear with the meeting information. Click the blue 'Copy Meeting Invitation' button to copy the text information. Then, paste the text into an email or IM.
- Zoom Supports three email services: Google, Outlook, and Yahoo. On the 'My Meeting' page, click the desired calendar format to generate an email that can be sent to participants.
Watch Zoom's Breakout Rooms Video
Breakout Rooms are great for group work during a lecture. Breakout Rooms allow you to split your Zoom meeting in up to 50 separate sessions. The host can choose to split the participants of the meeting into these separate sessions automatically or manually, and can switch between sessions at any time.
- Room assignments can be built and managed by both the host or co-host.
- Attendees can be allowed to move freely between rooms with Self-Assigned Rooms or be pre-assigned.
- Attendees using client version 5.0.2 or erlier, or connected by web will require the host to place them in the desired room.
- Up to 50 breakout rooms can be created
- Up to 200 attendees and 50 breakout rooms can be preset before the meeting starts if enabled in your meeting preferences
- Breakout room participants have full audio, video and screen share capabilities
- Options include
- Placing in rooms automtaically
- Allowing return to main meeting at any
- Timer limit
- Countdown until rooms close
If the meeting is being cloud recorded, it will only record the main room, regardless of what room the meeting host is in. If local recording is being used, it will record the room the participant who is recording is in. Multiple participants can record locally.
For detailed information on manaaging breakout rooms, see the Official Zoom Breakout Room Documentation on the Zoom Support Website.
Regular Zoom Meetings can host up to 300 participants. Webinars can be expanded up to 3,000 participants. Webinars are ideal for events expected to exceed or be close to 300 in attendance. They are also ideal for securing high profile events.
In decideing if a webinar is right for your event it is important to conisder what type of event your having. Meetngs are meant for interaction between all who join. Webinars are designed as a lecture or seminar format. Your audience is intended to watch with little or no interaction.
To help decide if Webinars are right for you, a detailed comparison between Zoom Meetings and Zoom Webinar features can be found on the Zoom support webpage.
Note: CSUB Zoom accounts cannot host or schedule Zoom Webinars without authorization from the Service Center. To host a webinar, fill out the web form (Login Required) or contact the CSUB Service Center. Please allow two business days to process your request.
Webinars are granted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once your webinar date has passed, the license will be returned to the campus pool for others to use. Please request your webinars early, but no more than 90 days in advance.
Here are some highlighted links from the Zoom Webinar support page to help plan and conduct your webinar:
Note: You can also email the Service Center or submit a help ticket by visiting CSUB ServiceNow and selecting 'Get Support' at the top of the page.
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